14, rue Nicolas Adames
L-1114 Luxembourg
Tel. 26 26 73 1
Telefax 26 26 73 73
Born Luxembourg (Luxembourg), 6 April 1984
Legal education: University of Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium)
Admitted to the Luxembourg bar in 2009.
Member of the Bar Council, between September 2016 and September 2020.
Member of the Disciplinary and Administrative Board, since September 2021.
Lecturer, Cours complémentaires en droit luxembourgeois, Statuts et principes des professions du droit, since 2019.
Member of the editorial committee of the Bulletin d’Information sur la Jurisprudence.
Member of the editorial committee of the Revue pratique de droit immobilier.
Member of the editorial committee of the Revue luxembourgeoise de droit public.
Member of the Employment Law Specialists Association.
Member of the Association Luxembourgeoise des Juristes de Droit Bancaire.