Patrick Kinsch

14, rue Nicolas Adames
L-1114 Luxembourg
Tel. 26 26 73 1

Telefax 26 26 73 73

Born Esch-sur-Alzette (Luxembourg), 6 October 1962

Legal education:

  • University of Strasbourg (France)
  • Master of Laws, 1986
  • Diploma of Further Studies, Private Law, 1987
  • Doctorate in Law, 1992
  • Habilitation à diriger des recherches, 2002

Admitted to the Luxembourg bar in 1988

Lecturer, then Professor, University Centre of Luxembourg, from1994, then (after the foundation of the University of Luxembourg) at the University of Luxembourg: Professeur associé (2005-2008), Professeur invité (2008-2014), Professeur à titre honoraire de droit international privé, in activity (2014 – )

Professeur associé, University of Strasbourg, 1999-2005 (courses taught: Private International Law); seminars given at the University from 2005 to 2014.

Member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration, since 2008

Member of the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR, since 2017

Academic bodies: European Group for Private International Law (secretary general), Institut Grand-Ducal, section des sciences morales et politiques (member of the board); Association Henri Capitant (treasurer of the Luxembourg section); Think Tank for the Development of Arbitration in Luxembourg (co-director); International Academy for Comparative Law; International Law Association ; Comité français de droit international privé; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Völkerrecht ; Comité français de l’arbitrage.

At the Hague Academy of International Law: Director of studies (private international law, French language section), 1999; Special course on private international law, 2005; General course on private international law, 2013.
